Pay my bill

Pay online
Make bill payments electronically for an easier, faster, and more flexible experience. With Genoa Healthcare’s secure online bill pay, you can:
- Make a one-time payment with Pay Now
- View and print your statement
- Pay from your checking or savings account
- Pay by credit or with debit card
- Conveniently and securely store your payment information
- Set up recurring payments
- Go paperless
Other ways to pay
Not ready to pay your bill online? You can still pay your bill by phone. Genoa accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. To pay, call our billing customer service team at (800) 519-1139 and have your statement ready.
We’re open Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
For consumers If you have questions about your online bill, please contact us, or call (800) 519-1139. Please have your statement ready.
Facility Payee or Representative Payee: If you are receiving multiple consumer statements and are managing these payments online, pay your bill here: Facility Partner Ebill Express. If you have questions about bundling your facility statements or consolidating invoices, please contact us.
Move My Meds
Move all your medications to one place, while getting care from a pharmacist who partners with your doctors to make it easy for you to get — and stay on — your medications.
Let’s talk
Committed to making your life easier
Not finding the answers you need? We’re happy to help. For additional questions related to online bill payment, contact us today.